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Part 2 – Music and Mantras for Children


Doing yoga in a group gives a sense of community and bringing in music and mantras with the class makes it a very social experience.  Children learn and practice the ability to manage their own emotional state as early as hearing mother soothe them with lullabies.  They learn to soothe themselves.

Children learn the words to describe their emotional experiences by singing about feelings e.g. “I am Happy, I am Good.”  Music evokes feelings even when there are no words being used.

Music is a team effort with each child adding his sound or voice into the mix of music. They can improve their motor skills by banging instruments as they sit in a circle. These instruments can be kitchen ware, drums, rattles, home made shakers etc. Musical activities help a toddler to develop good peer interactions and beginning friendships.

Kids also develop self-esteem, self-confidence when they discover music props in a yoga class e.g. shaking a rattle going “chick chicka.” And sitting in a circle the music encourages them to take turns and to listen to the unique sounds of each child.

Learn more about yoga music classes  with toddlers and pre-schoolers with upcoming “Concerto Workshops.”

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